Top 8 functions you’ll ever need to work with Enums in TypeScript

Discover helper functions to simplify work with enums

Oleh Baranovskyi
3 min readJan 6, 2022


Working on multiple projects built on TypeScript, I noticed a common functionality that I had to bring from project to project. Functions that were helping me work with enums on the previous project will be helpful on the new one. So decided to gather them together and share what I have with you guys.

In this article, we’ll go through my top 8 helper functions that I use all the time whenever working with the enums.

Topics to cover

  1. Check if a key is property of enum
  2. Check if enum has a given value
  3. Transform enum to list of keys
  4. Transform enum to list of values
  5. Transform enum value to its appropriate key
  6. Transform enum to entries
  7. Create a function that transforms enum value into CSS class
  8. Project the list of objects from an enum

Initial source code:

Initial code that we will use most of the time look in the following way:

1. Check if a key is property of enum


We have an enum and want to check whether a given value is its enum key.


2. Check if enum has a given value


You have an enum, and you want to check whether a given value is a value of this enum.


3. Transform enum to list of keys


We want to pass an enum and get the list of its keys.


An interesting article was written by Stefan Baumgartner called “TypeScript: Improving Object.keys”, where he explains how to improve the type of Object.keys() function. It can be found here: So you can make an existing function even better if you want with ObjectKeys<T> type.

4. Transform enum to list of values


We want to pass an enum and get the list of its values.


5. Transform enum value to its appropriate key


We want to be able to pass an enum value and get its appropriate key. A returned type shouldn’t be a string but an enum key.


6. Transform enum to entries


An Object has a useful function called entries. We want a similar one for the enums. Whenever we pass an enum, we want to get the list of elements in format key-value.


7. Create a function that transforms enum value into CSS class


We want to have a function that takes an enum value and returns a DOM element class which consists of a prefix, enum key in kebab or snake case, and suffix.


8. Project the list of objects from an enum


We might have the options, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc., on the page. It would require transforming an enum to a list of objects with a label and value or any other object build in a key-value fashion.



I hope you found this article interesting and came across new techniques. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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